Monday, April 22, 2013

Cooling Treats

Green Tea with Strawberry flavor

                       Pistachio, Mandarin-Orange and Green Tea with Mandarin-Orange flavors

All about "CARABAO MILK" ice cream!

HALO-HALO at Chowking

Buko Shake

yellow watermelon+yogurt+cold water

the tru orange...royal

 mouth-watering yellow watermelon

early morning icy pineapple juice

salivating dirty ice cream!
my homemade ice candy..melon, pandan and buko flavor

nothing can beat a refreshing glass of cold water

Any cooling treats can always quench our thirst especially during this season of ruthless heat.  Be tasteful!  You can  always make your own homemade.  Enjoy the soothing  and replenishing moment...(",)

Do something hearty today, make something thirst-quenching and share it with kids...(",)



  1. Please finish this blog, sis! Just seeing these cool treats make me feel so refreshed this summer!

    1. Hello sis! thank you for reminding me:) I will add more pictures when I get the chance to refresh myself with more cooling treats:) Enjoy your refreshing summer!:)
